Your First Consultation After an Auto Accident Injury: What To Expect

Chiropractic Care Helps with Auto Accident Injury

After the accident, you did all the necessary things you were supposed to: you went to see a doctor, you spoke with your insurance company, and you notified your boss that you'd been in an accident. You even took a couple of days off to rest, as the doctor may have told you to. Now you notice you're experiencing unusual stiffness in your neck, shoulders, wrists, shoulder blades, hips, or knees. You have more headaches than average, and sometimes your vision might even be blurry. At Tacoma Chiropractor Center in Tacoma, WA, we treat these lingering injuries caused by auto accidents.

Thorough Screenings and Tests

During your first visit after an auto accident, we're going to look at the movement of your whole body, test your alignment, and speak with you about exactly where your pain is. We'll ask you about when you experience it, how high the pain levels are, what the pain feels like as it moves through your body, and when it lessens for you. In addition, we'll look at your family medical history, any medications you're taking, the work you do, the movements you perform while on the job, and look at any issues with the range of motion you're having now. We may take X-rays of the areas that hurt to help us give us a better idea of what's happening with your alignment.

A Comprehensive Analysis and Treatment Plan

When we've gathered all this information, we will be able to tell you the causes of your pain, what parts of your anatomy are out of alignment (even slight misalignment can cause pain), and which parts of your soft tissue and muscles surrounding these areas have been affected. Once we know what's causing your pain, we will create a custom treatment plan to make you pain-free again. We do all of this without drugs or surgery.

Contact Our Trusted Tacoma Auto Accident Chiropractor

Don't wait too long after you've had your accident to come to see us. Your body will register inflammation in different ways than the other members of your family or your friends. Get in touch with us at Tacoma Chiropractic Center in Tacoma, WA, as soon as possible for a consultation so we can help you be pain-free again!

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2611 N. Stevens St Tacoma, WA, 98407

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