Frequently Asked Questions About Sciatica

Chiropractor explaining sciatica to patient

Sciatica FAQs from Our Tacoma Chiropractor

Sciatica is a common cause of lower back pain. Understanding more about this problem can help ensure that you seek care for it when needed. Our chiropractor in Tacoma offers the following information on sciatica to help you learn more about this back pain cause. 

What Causes Sciatica?

Anything that presses on your sciatic nerve can cause sciatica to occur. Sciatica refers to inflammation that affects the sciatic nerve, which runs through your lower back and leg. Some of the possible causes of this inflammation include herniated discs and bone spurs. Your risk of having sciatica gets higher as you grow older. Other risk factors include being overweight, working a job that has you carry heavy loads frequently or doing work, sports or other activities that have you twist your back often. Sitting for long periods of time can also increase your risk of sciatica. 

What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica?

The most common sign of sciatica is lower back pain that sometimes moves down your leg on the affected side. When you have this inflammation, it can affect only one side of your back or both sides. Pain in your back and upper legs from sciatica can become worse after sitting for awhile or when you suddenly move your back, such as when you sneeze. You might feel pain as a sharp ache or a milder ache, and you might have tingling or numbness in the affected area. 

How Is Sciatica Treated?

Sciatica treatment involving chiropractic care includes spinal adjustments. These adjustments remove pressure from the sciatic nerve, which eases inflammation and pain. Spinal adjustments bring your spine back into its proper alignment, allowing healing to occur more quickly. You might find relief by combining adjustments with other forms of care, such as stretching or massage therapy. Our Tacoma chiropractor will discuss treatment options with you after doing a full evaluation of your back. 

Contact Us for Chiropractic Care in Tacoma

If you have symptoms of sciatica, please contact Tacoma Chiropractic Center. We offer chiropractic adjustments to help relieve pain caused by sciatic nerve inflammation. 



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